Friday 28 October 2011


   QUEEN OF HEARTS:  On of my Halloween characters is the Queen of Harts. I done the Queen of Harts last year for my competition. I really enjoyed doing the make-up, I would put white face paint all over the face and some on the neck, then I would put baby blue grease paint on the eyes, red grease paint on the lips and I would out line the love heart with black grease paint to, then I would finish it with mascara for the eyes.


 WITCH: I would start of by doing green grease paint all over the face, then   I would start of doing the eyes I would use black grease paint on top of the eye lid. I would draw in black lines under the cheek boans and blen it down to give it the sinked in look to the face, I would draw in black eye brows, black lips using black grease paint again, I would also do black lines down each side of the nose and blend it down to then put white down the midldle of the nose to highlight it and the same with the cheek boans. Then to finnish of I would draw in a chin too.

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